Dann1burk's Weblog

#4 – Research topic, assumptions, methodology, sources and potential publication

Posted in Class assignments by dann1burk on February 4, 2010

So, after much consideration, conversation and deliberation, I realized that I may have stumbled upon my topic of research before I even came back to school. I am concerned that all the hard work done by so many thousands and hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of young volunteers (defined as younger than 35) during the last major campaign season is in danger of being set back in the upcoming election in november. I come from a place where people in my age bracket represent 11 percent of the total voter registration. Also, (I have done some research already and obtained registration data and crunched the numbers a short while ago) voter registration for the under 35 category in my county sways 61% to 29% in favor of the Democratic party. (PA Dept. of State)


“Voter Registration Statistics”. Pennsylvania Department of State. 3 Feb. 2010


My research question is: “What will motivate youth voters to turn out for the 2010 mid-term election in District 8, Bucks County Pennsylvania?”

I came upon this topic while serving Congressman Patrick Murphy as an intern during the 09-10 winter break. I have been very concerned that the Republican party has enough voter anger on their side to motivate a serious turn out in the upcoming election. I think that if my age group turned out in even close to the record numbers they did in 2008, we will be able to offset this trend of voter anger coming from a more conservative point of view. I also fervently support Congressman Murphy and the work he does and hope to see him remain as a U.S. Congressman representing the interests of our district for the foreseeable future.

That being said, there are a few assumptions that will underline a lot of my research.

1) Young people are not as motivated to participate in elections as their parents and grandparents.

2) Being in the minority of the political system creates a certain amount of negative motivation which can sometimes be more powerful than positive motivation; opposition to ideas can, at time, be more adept at promoting participation in elections than supporting ideas.

3) Young people vote on a key and limited group of issues.

4) Young people need to be targeted through different mediums than that of the rest of the voter base.

5) If young people are well informed, aware of the issues at hand and given a great deal of attention and exposure, they will show up to the polls on election day to participate and continue their support of progressive ideals.

As far a questions, with regard to #1:

Why has this stigma been attached to youth voters?, What were the figures from the 2004 and 2008 elections? How did those compare in terms of presidential votership and mid-term votership? What is it exactly that makes young voters want to participate?, How can city and local officials make it easier and more efficient to show up to polling stations on election day, especially for students? What impact does voter registration and placement of registration materials have on new voters ?(18-25) What impact could education about political matters in public schools have on youth votership?


What is the best way to promote youth to turn out in response to ‘angry conservative votership?’ Why does there seem to be such a backlash from the conservative community in Bucks County? What are the facts about measures being passed through Congress that affect our district and how do they contrast with public opinions?  What are the best ways to communicate ideas in a rational a fair manner to voters? What do the youth voters think about conservative attitudes?


Quite simply, what are these issues? Are they the same issues as in the past two or three election cycles? If they  have changed, which ones are different? Why do youth voters typically pick these issues to be most supportive or critical of? What impact do these issues have directly on voters under 35 in district 8?


Where do young people mostly get their information from? How much time is typically spent learning and gathering information about topics before voting? What are the best electronic means of communicating ideas and campaigning to younger people? What was most successful in 2008? Which candidates did best nationally among younger voters when using sophisticated technologies(internet, facebook, even video games)?


If a campaign is successful in communicating ideas and facts about current issues in politics, how much of that message motivates participation? What are the reasons for not participating? What are the best ways to communicate information about polling stations and voter registration? Why do some younger voters choose not to participate at all? How can state/local officials make it easier for younger people to get out and vote, especially students? What are the best ways to ensure that voters submit absentee ballots while at school? What, if anything, could be made easier about voting with an absentee ballot? What are commonly cited problems with polling places and how can they be alleviated?Would making public transportation to polling places make voting easier for for people in the age group <35?

So, there is a lot of data out there which looks at the youth vote and their motivations and the ways they are most effectively communicated to. I will be taking this broad collection of national data and applying it to a very focused area, The House of Representatives, district 8, Pennsylvania. While there are a lot of national issues and perceptions about how young voters behave in elections, there is nothing about  my district. I want to create a localized compilation of analyses which focus on the under 35 voter turnout within the borders of D-8. It is my hope that this information will be used to positively affect the youth voter turn out during the upcoming mid term election.


(1) The following article addresses the ways in which the youth vote was courted in the 2004 Presidential election and what role schools can play in influencing voter participation.


McConnell, Ted. “Not by votes alone … the vital imperative of restoring the civic mission of schools.” Social Education 72.6 (2008): 312+. Academic OneFile. Web. 3 Feb. 2010.


(2) This journal submission is from a publication in 1992 and provides a historical precedent for youth voter participation.


Herlinger, Chris. “The future is yours.” Scholastic Update 9 Oct. 1992: 24+. Academic OneFile. Web. 3 Feb. 2010.


(3) This submission to the American Behavioral Scientist talks about how both parties used mediums like blogs and other internet resources to communicate more effectively with young people.


Trammell, Kaye D. Sweetser. “Candidate campaign blogs: directly reaching out to the youth vote.” American Behavioral Scientist 50.9 (2007): 1255+. Academic OneFile. Web. 3 Feb. 2010.

(4) I found this one particularly interesting. It is an article which talks about how there is an assumption that young people are too disconnected from the political process to participate and how that is changing and not always accurate.


Jasperson, Amy E., and Hyun Jung Yun. “Political advertising effects and America’s racially diverse newest voting generation.” American Behavioral Scientist 50.9 (2007): 1112+. Academic OneFile. Web. 3 Feb. 2010.

(5) This particular article gives some statistics about the youth voter turn out in 2004 and how it was covered and looked at in the media.

Williams, Andrew Paul. “Framing the youth in campaign 2004: twenty million strong–or weak?” American Behavioral Scientist 50.9 (2007): 1273+. Academic OneFile. Web. 3 Feb. 2010.


I am going to use a wide array of sources to gather information about this topic. Obviously, there are a myriad of internet sites to get info, but also academic journals and other scholarly sources. I also would like to utilize any available resources within the Murphy campaign, as well as the Congressional office. Primary sources will be key to my finished product and I will begin to cultivate them as soon as possible. Interviews would be best, but E-mail communications and other kinds of mediums are fine as well. I also want to find out what it takes to conduct a credible, scientific poll and begin polling young people about their attitudes and opinions with regard to my topic.

Credible places to publish such work

I have identified a few academic journals that will be places which I extract information from. I also plan on using them to get a feel for what a finished and reviewed scholarly submission will look like. They are as follows:

(1) Cambridge University Press

(2) The American Political Science Review

(3)  The Interscience Political Science Journal

(4) The National Interest Journal

(5) Political Science Quarterly

Reflective Letter

Posted in Class assignments by dann1burk on September 30, 2008

29 September 2008


Dear Marlen,

Since the beginning of this semester, I have been trying to absorb as much information as possible about the writing process and implement new techniques in my projects. I have experienced some success with this strategy and I think that it is due to the encouragement of expression that results from our class format. I enjoy the setting, as well as the group discussion, and feel genuinely challenged to make better writing decisions.

I feel like my essays and blog entries have reflected some of the obstacles that I need to overcome during this course. In the past, I have felt compelled to write and finalize a draft without reading it aloud or making major provisions to it. After my first essay was returned to me, I looked at some of the mistakes and realized that I simply did not try hard enough to have let so many simple errors slip into a “final” copy.

Since the first writing assignment, I have followed the advice that was given during class. I consulted with peers of mine to have my writing proof read, I have used the “Writers Reference” when uncertainty arose about punctuation usage and formatting and I have searched the internet looking up different ways to avoid using repetitive words and phrases. I find that these have been the major issues plaguing my drafted projects and through awareness, support and a willingness to accept feedback, I can improve the flow and quality of the messages I deliver.


Dan Burkhardt

Taste Test #2

Posted in Class assignments by dann1burk on September 11, 2008

The shape of a Cheez-it is recognizable instantly as you feel it’s rigidity crumble. The flavor on the outside, a cheddar cheesy kind of taste, seems very unnatural for the chip and almost forced. less than a few seconds later it fades away and you are left with a simple cracker, in my opinion, the way it should have been in the first place.

Blog Assignment 4 – Taste

Posted in Class assignments by dann1burk on September 11, 2008
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My writing goals for this assignment are to describe why the taste of Peach is something that I really enjoy and look forward to, and to possibly relate my strong feelings of this flavor to the way that another person might feel about a particular flavor that they enjoy. Another goal of mine is to experiment with a style of writing that I don’t think I have made a conscious effort to use before. For this writing I am going to try a blend of two styles, a descriptive and analogical style, rather then the narrative or strictly descriptive style that I typically pursue. I think that a person who might read this would be someone trying to get a feel for how another person might view the sense of taste, the taste of peach, but also my classmates and teacher as well. 


The Peach has a flavor that reminds me of the summer. It reminds me of hot days during which I might be spending a great deal of time in the sun. Peach, is like a friend that finally comes around after a long time spent away. Tasting it’s sweet flavor, rich in pulp is like having an the most tantalizingly enlightening conversation with that friend. It similarly feels as though it has allowed me to sit back, relax and gain perspective on all of the inferior experiences that I may have had lately. 

The peach thrives in warm conditions, as do I. It is grown and harvested under a brutal sun that pummels it with nutrients and energy (1). I feel as though its sweet nectar temporarily stores some of the positive energy that one may feel while laying out in a hammock in the middle of July. Just seeing one can bring back those feelings and cause an overwhelming sense of goodness. 

While the history of the peach has been distorted and edited at times throughout is existence (2), one would agree that it is a welcome part of the summer and spring seasons. And that if you also enjoy the flavor like I do, then you run right out to the store and buy a few as soon as you realize they are back in town. I would say that even in the winter, if I find a Peach on the shelves of the grocery store, or if I am tempted to buy some flavored iced tea, I consciously pass on this opportunity because its is not quite time for that friend to revisit yet, and hold off makes that time so much sweeter.

I achieved my goals by depicting how the taste of peach reminds me of relaxing and easy going times. I incorporated some analogies that I believe anyone could relate to and make some references to professional sources which back up the ideas that I have borrowed. I will be bringing in some peaches for my part of the in class discussion and I think that if someone reads this blog before they taste what I have brought in, that they might feel the same way. 


(1)Malcolm, Patrick. “History Of Peach Trees, Prunus Persica”  Ezine Articles. 20067 Oct. 2006 <http://ezinearticles.com/?History-Of-Peach-Trees,-Prunus-Persica&id=330903&gt;.

(2) Filippone, Peggy Trowbridge“Peach History”  About.com. 2006. <http://homecooking.about.com/od/foodhistory/a/peachhistory.htm&gt;.

Blog assignment 3 – A description of a false reality.

My writing goals for this assignment are to be as visually descriptive as possible, to instill in the reader the things that I have experienced and to improve the coherence of my paragraph structure. This writing is going to be of an descriptive nature, and the purpose is to convey the message in a way that a reader can both visualize and relate to. I think those most likely to read this would be my classmates, teacher possibly and maybe anyone out there on WordPress that finds this interesting.


Sometimes, the mind has a way of misinterpreting visual details. This can be very disappointing and can, in certain situations, undermine a person’s morale. I was hiking with a group of people once through the dense woods of north carolina, in what is known as Pisga national forest. It is a forest that it linked up with the very similar Smoky mountain range which famously runs   through Tennessee. The forest is so dense that at points during your hike, you may not even be able to see more then 50 yards ahead of yourself.

These woods are full of all kinds of diverse biology, towering and pungent fir trees, vast expanses of open and desert like brush in the valleys on the south sides of some ranges, but also lush, thick green Azalea trees, which dominate most of the undergrowth along the particular trail we had picked.

The trail, although not rated to be a difficult one, crossed directly up through and over a mountain top, which was rumored to hold one of the best vistas in the entire park. This vista was directly in the middle of our journey one day. While we were hiking to a different camp site for the night, we had to cross a couple of park roads and some very easy trails which brought us to the base of the mountain that was supposedly the entrance to the beautiful vista that we had to cross through. The incline was at first not very sharp, maybe something along the lines of 30 or 40 percent incline. This quickly gave way in about 100 yards or so to an incline of about 50 or 60 percent, which can be very tiresome if you have to hike a decent pace to make it to camp like we did. This went on for about 20 to 30 minutes and then, there it was.

You can always tell the top of the mountain because all along the trail, if you look directly in front of you and toward the sky, your vision is blocked by the endless foliage that towers above the ground. When you near the summit of an even moderately sized hill, if you look in the same spot, you can see the sky. We saw the sky.

We burned with anticipation to reach the top and pushed harder and faster to get there so that we may rest and take in the sight. We found the strength to propel ourselves up this trail at a faster pace then we had been keeping along the easy trail at the beginning of our journey that day. About 30 yards to go, and it started not to feel quite right. We pushed on to the top sweating and panting, in denial about what lay before us. Low and behold, the hill behind us turned into a false summit. A false summit is usually, although not always, when you are hiking to the top of a sizable mountain which has another at its base. when you near the top of the first mountain, you cannot see the much larger one on front of you because of the angle which you are on and the fact that there is usually a distance of flat land in between the two. This didn’t quite break our spirits because, after all, the show must go on, but it did cause a few of us to mutter some choice words before pressing on to the top.

I think I achieved my goals because I was able to tell the story in a way that might make the reader feel the sense of disheartenment that my group and I felt when we reached the false summit. I am not that good of an objective reader when it comes to my own work because, well, it always make sense to me in a way, but I think I may have made an improvement in the way I structure my paragraphs and move from idea to idea. I think overall this may be an accurate depiction of the events that I tried to describe and that makes me feel satisfied.

Blog assignment #2 – “Sound”

Posted in Class assignments by dann1burk on August 29, 2008

What I would like to accomplish with this assignment, is a description of one of my most important and most used senses, my sense of hearing. I would like to help the reader understand how I use the sense of hearing to enhance and appreciate the world around me, but also to convey the emotions I feel and moods that I am in, through my music. I would like to write as if I were the sense. I want to dive into the patterns of thought and feelings that overcome us all when we hear things that affect us. I think the people most likely to read this, are my group mates.


I am energy. Pure and simple. Varying peaks and valleys of audible tones and vibrations. I am thought. Suspense and desire, trial and passion, anger and unrest. I describe and play soundtrack to the events of your life. I can translate to you that the world is full of hope and meaning, but also that hard times are often unexpected and I’ll prepared for. I build you up and break you down. Motivate you and help you cry.

My properties are scientific and exact. Mathematically precise and unbelievably structured. Various levels of reverberation and chorus, tone and texture. I am energy moving through time. My patterns are like the interweaving webs of a cocoon. They build a nest of tone and a message that just one strand would not be able to carry by itself. Though exact, the many layers of my existence are as complex as DNA.

The physical existence of my structure is almost completely pointless, useless to beings and objects that cannot interpret me. The power and greatness in my existence, resides in you. Your ability to take me and mold me, read me and interpret my meaning. Your audible reproduction of thoughts, opinions, or feelings, is what makes my existence substantive. Your associations of rhythm and melody to the events of the word around you make me meaningful.

I believe that I may have achieved my goal in this post by conveying in words, the ability to take sound and process it. I attempted to describe this ability in a way that almost everyone can understand. I think that all people may relate to this because we all use our hearing to associate music and even spoken words to our lives and to attach more profound emotion to a subject or situation.


What is “I”?

Posted in Class assignments by dann1burk on August 29, 2008

I. I am , I want, I need. I feel, I taste, I hear, see and smell. The meaning of the word I, seems to me to be a very contextual thing. For example, I could say or even think, “I want to get some lunch”. In this case I would be using the word I to refer to my body, and describing the need for nourishment at that moment. This can also be applied to any of the other senses to describe my physical body interacting with the physical world around me.

When we use the word I in a way to describe our personalities, we are talking about our will and our social tendencies to be a certain way about something. We are talking about our deep personality and the way in which we emotionally feel about our surroundings or situations. People may also use the word I to portray themselves in a certain light. If you were to say “I like shopping at the mall” then you are trying to let a person know that you enjoy shopping at the mall and if you were to say ” I only like wearing Aeropostale or Hollister” then you might be trying to steer that person to gain an impression of you which would cause them to think of you in a certain way. The point of these statements would be to try and shape the view of who “I” am, to you.

I, me, Is someone that not too many people actually know. I, me, is a will, personality and spirit that has been shaped by different environments, people, influences, wants, needs, interests and talents. I am a person, a being, an incarnation of intelligent thought, insight, retrospect and artistic creation. I am a conjunction of physical, soulful and spiritual existences.